mybestkungfu's Diaryland Diary



(pr -m d -t t d) adj.
Characterized by deliberate purpose, previous consideration, and some degree of planning.
As in �a premeditated crime�.

How do you measure �some� degree? Is it an hour of planning? A day? Half the steps to completion?
let�s say you really hate this guy at work. He�s loud, obnoxious and a bloody mooch.
Does it look like you care what he thinks about your outfits everyday?
So let�s say you�re irate enough to bring
a small sharp instrument with you to the office.
No plan really, just a gut load of intention.
But then you carry the thing for awhile and you start to feel the weight of it; conscience-wise.
and your inner voice is an inner wuss reminding you �that�s pretty serious. I don�t think that my hatred is warranted � and I don�t think I could really respect myself if I went through with it��
And after awhile you forget about the thing (in the inner pocket of the backpack the boy gave you for Christmas).
But then one day � in the midst of a horrible day as you
Find out 2 hours before you usually head home, that you have to stay 2 hours later than everyone else and the jackass boy won�t bring you dinner and the person in question is unusually cocky and annoying �
�you�d never hurt me � I know you, I know what you�re like� blah blah�
And while you�re trying to have your last snack of the day
He�s all �gimme gimme gimme� � and you just crack!
And all of a sudden you remember backpack.
So while he�s standing there with his hand out, you pull it out and give it to him.
Would that be considered pre-meditated?
You never meant to do it.
And you didn�t really plan the whole thing. He reminded you of it.
And what if it wasn�t a knife but a peanut M&M
That you tried to shove up someone�s butt a few weeks ago �
Would it be less heinous?
I�m almost positive the use of M&Ms as weapons, have been decriminalized.
But that�s not the point.
Pre-med or no pre-med?

5:14 p.m. - May. 09, 2006


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