mybestkungfu's Diaryland Diary


guest card 119

it rained heavily today.
for 10 minutes.
then it was sunny.
then it was cloudy.
then it was sunny again.
but it's been muggy all 'round.

haven't found any more little roaches
in the apartment! kickass!
this is the longest that i haven't gone
clubbing in a year!
i'm starting to miss my calgary drunking pals...
it would be awesome if you guys were here.
we could make fun of/enjoy so much crap together.
i've been slowly getting cranky because a lot of people don't seem to understand what i'm saying due to my 'thick AMERICAN accent'.
haven't gone to the beaches in almost 3 weeks as i've been getting used to getting up at 5 AM to get to work.
but on the upside, i get paid weekly and i'm clearing a bit more than i used to - even after the 29 FREAKING percent TAX deduction. yeah!
well, it's about time i go to bed.

email me you bastards.

8:46 p.m. - Nov. 02, 2004


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