mybestkungfu's Diaryland Diary


power puff girls

standing at the train station this morning.
watching my breathe fog in the winter air.
two moms, high heeled boots, Armani shopping bags, gossiping in broken english, while their five-year olds daughters play nearby on a bench.
I listened to the childish chatter.
'watch how high i can jump,i can count to 20, yuck, bird poopy, Sam's my best friend...'.
one of them looks up and points to a wall. 'look - it's my shadow!'
'Hi shadow!' she waves a mitted hand enthusiastically, 'Hi Shadow! -it's me!'.
her little companion makes a face,
'Stop saying that! - People who do that are crazy!'.
the disdain in her small voice resonates throughout the station.
the shadow-greeter's face crumbles momentarily.

it was interesting to watch the interaction.
what i saw as the budding establishment of power.
i would want to get a glimpse of the dynamics
of their relationship in 5 years.

i wanted to stay for the crying but my train arrived.

10:27 p.m. - Feb. 18, 2006


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